Spanish Language Basis
Learn to speak Spanish like a native with Truly Spanish Alicante
In the meantime, here are a few phrases to learn.
Everyday Common Phrases
Bye| Adiós**
See you later|Hasta luego**
Good Morning|Buenos días**
Good Afternoon|Buenas tardes**
Good Evening/Night|Buenas noches**
Please|Por favor**
Thank you|Gracias**
Not at All|De nada**
You are welcome|Un placer**
How are you?|Cómo estás?**
Excuse me| Perdone**
Well, thank you|Bien, gracias**
Do you speak English?|Hablas inglés?**
I don´t understand|No entiendo**
How much?|Cuánto cuesta?**
Where is?|Dónde está?**
I would like..|Quisiera..**
When does it open/close?|¿Cuándo abre/cierra?**
What time is it?|¿Qué hora es?**